My name is Daniel Lutz my friend has 6.7 acres with 2 older 500ft Tyson
chicken barns one is for storage an I'd like to do something with the other one Possibly build pens for other types or birds or animals or both.
He had a contractor come an build a small cinder block home with
water an electric. He told me that anyone is welcome there as long as they put in some sort of work (not hard labor) but it's not an easy task building a homestead he told me I could do anything I wanted there as long as it makes money an feeds us he is willing to help out a little but he's really looking for people to come an join our community. He is very 420 friendly an willing to share. He has a good van he drives with just about 50,000 on it so it runs good. What I'm looking fir is someone to come help me / us out in building the homestead I do not have a roof over my head yet I'm still working on that. Any how he likes growing things an wants to ad a orchard with different fruits an a nice garden eventually. He has owned it for 2 years now an has done nothing to the place only planted a few plans he an I need a lot of help the more the marrier please keep in mind that you may build your living quarters in one of barns as I still might do instead of the pump house. So we are in need of people hopefully before winter sets in we will have something going we will
sell fire
wood bundles
chickens an eggs to start off with for $$$ we are located in umpire arkansas.
Part of the easement to his property needs to be cut back but not totally we don't want uninvited guests showing up.
Anyhow I there are people out there that's willing to come help us out mainly me Possibly that you could own a piece of the property to build your own homestead like I want to or we could all just be one big community either way we help one another out so we're not struggling.
Please contact me for more information my phone only works with wifi right now I waiting on another phone in the mail so be patient I'll get back to you there is no wifi on the property but I still have an apartment till the end of this month I have wifi there if I don't respond right away I'm probably at the homestead I'll get back to you as soon as I can I'm working on finishing stripping the copper wire out of one of the barns an selling it so I can get the money to buy a cheap truck or car.
Happy homesteading
Best wishes Daniel 501 651 0759
PS I'm 50 an single looking for a lady to come join me.