It’s refreshing to see so many people with a conscience these days. I have always been one to step in and protect the critters when I see them having a rough time. I once saw a news story about a guy who jumped into whitewater rapids to rescue a dog, and the guy drowned, but the dog got out ok. I’m sure there’s a special place in heaven for that guy.
I’ve been raising dairy-goats since ’84. Right now I have about 17 in all, but at one time had over 30. Although I’m not a milk-drinker, I use their
milk for making butter and cheese, plus it’s used as a bio-booster in my
compost formulas.
Since I’m a
vegetarian, I never kill any of my critters and then eat them. That’s just barbaric and unnecessary. I
feed my goats alfalfa, grass, organic grains, and free-choice mineral with copper & selenium. The rest of their diet comes from the forest where they live. My two Anatolian guard dogs keep them protected from predators.
Goats are unique and essential for my custom organic fertilizer amendment business. What makes them unique here is that they spend all day out browsing the forest and then hang-out in the barn at night, where they poop-out all that nice diversity of digested forest biomass into their bedding. I collect that stuff at regular intervals and add it to my compost. What I get is a very nutrient-dense soil amendment complete with all the essential micro-nutrients needed to grow super food. Great job, thanks girls (and guys).
Over half of my goat population are elderly and retired. I still keep them as healthy as I can because they deserve that after serving me so well. When you have goats, you are bound and gagged… it’s a commitment. Occasionally I have to put one down, but I never let them suffer. I have one 5 year old that’s blind from polio (PEM) because I got overwhelmed with work when she was a baby and didn’t notice that she had pink-eye until it was almost too late. She’s very affectionate and fun to play with.
I take in abandoned and abused critters whenever I can, and they all have a practical function on my farm. The guardian dogs came from an abusive Army Sergeant, the two cats (mousers) were dumped and just wandered in, and they all get along just fine.
I realize that there are a lot of hard-hearted people who think I’m nuts for doing this, but somehow it always seems to work to my benefit. The truth is, I would do it anyway, regardless of benefits. It would
be nice to have some help, though…