Attached is a PDF on getting started with vermicompost or vermiculture.
It takes you through my last 4-5 years of vermicomposting/vermiculture up into the realm of where I'm at now with homemade continuous flow through bins and 96 square feet of vermiculture space. I have some pics of the bins so you can see what you're getting in the presentation.
This system would be suitable for a heated or unheated garage in the northern US. The breeding bins are stored in an unheated, open barn throughout the winter (protected from the wind but not the cold temperatures), and insulated with chopped leaves. It's been 5 degrees F outside here but the bins are still at 55-60 degrees in the interior where the worms are. No supplemental heat at all.
I gave this presentation for a
local homesteading group.
Please feel free to offer suggestions or share any comments.
Also, feel free to share or use as you see fit!