We're starting to research the legalities behind producing and processing meat as a business.
I'm slowing wading through this site:
http://law.justia.com/california/codes/fac.html And came across this exemption in the poultry articles:
5703. (a) This part does not apply to poultry meat which is
derived from poultry which is produced upon the premises where it is
slaughtered if the poultry meat is sold by the producer in any of the
following ways:
(1) At retail upon the premises.
(2) At retail off of the premises, either direct to consumers at
their homes or at a retail stand which is operated by the producer in
a farmers' market.
(b) As used in this section, "producer" includes only an
individual producer who does not employ, except in unforeseeable
exigencies, any person except members of his or her immediate family.
Soooo.....we can raise, slaughter and
sell chickens and
rabbits at our farm and at farmers markets as long as we have no hired employees? Someone with more
experience in this, please help. Or point us in a more informative direction.