In many ways you have an ideal situation to work from. The forest edge is considered the most diverse part of the ecosystem with many excellent microclimates. You have the partial shade of the edge itself, then the shade of the interior forest, then the full sun of the adjacent meadow, each with their varied potential species. If you were going to do some clearing for
hugelkultur beds along the southern edge, it would be cool to create suntraps along the edge as part of that process.
Here's are some pictures from
Gaia's Garden (
Toby Hemenway) of that pattern:
and here's Mollison's version of the forest farm suntrap from the
Permaculture Designer's Manual:
Imagine that you carved in and planted out suntraps on the edge, where smaller trees and shrubs step down towards the sun from your taller established trees, then concentrated production of shade loving species and useful fungi in the forest interior, filled in forest clearings with partial shade loving species, then planted out the sunny south side of your new undulating suntrap edge with sun-loving low-growing species, even annual veggies.
I'm curious where you are located?