Matu Collins wrote:I have never heard of this bit it's interesting. Maybe it's just a genetic anomaly. Is it a pure breed?
The father was a HUGE Easter Egger and the mother is a Rhode Island Red. I hatched about 50 eggs this spring with this rooster and a variety of hens. Most of the crosses are pretty looking but small. The best ones came from an Australorp hen. Really pretty
chickens! Good size and decent manners. I also bought a bunch of pure breeds at hatch time so now I have a good flock of birds to work with. Most likely I'll be culling all the roosters except a Black Australorp and a Black Giant. Through winter I'll assess the egg layers and by spring I'll have my breeding flock ready to go. At least that's the plan.
The one with the funny eye (currently referred to as "One Eyed Willie") is mottled white and red with a yellow mane. So with the one funny eye, he basically looks like a dirty redneck with a mullet.