There is a
project called just diggit going on in Kenya at the moment. see there website here:
Action plan
It basicly makes use of swaling techniques, but on a very rough scale(they are planning to
swale 20.000 square kilometres). As it seems part of there test sites seem to work very fine. Wondering if anyone here has seen a project like this(besides the Löss plateau, Jordany, other know Greening the Desert sites) which is more based on getting the rainfall back?
Everything is possible, so even getting snow permanently back on mt. Kilimanjaro
should be possible. And if it works in ten years or so. Would this speed up the Greening the Desert idea? Getting all deserts back to green, lush, wild life inhabited, self sustaining forests? Offcourse it does not work if you have a desert with no rainfall at all. Or mountains that deflect the rainclouds. You need a starting point somewhere. Here is a short explanation from the site:
By digging 266 km of ditches in Kenya at strategic locations and thereby restoring the short
water cycle, a chain reaction ultimately results in the greenification of an area 20,000 km2 in size. Kenya is the point of departure from which to greenify the rest of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and, ultimately the entire world.
Seeing initiatives like this pop up gives me hope, that the world can change. In a greener way. After seeing Greening the Desert and more footage from people like
Geoff Lawton,
Sepp Holzer, John D. Liu,
Bill Mollison and more. That hope turned to some sort of believe, that the world is changing.