ok...this is not a new idea...but i would like some advice on how to start.
We have just six hens laying an egg a day. This gives us all our needs and some left over - like a couple of dozen a week. We have tried to
sell from a sign out the front of the farm...but no success. Family will buy some...but not a huge number.
We would love to try and market our eggs - all free-range organic eggs - to the
local small 'farmers market' type place....but only having 2 doz a week is probably too small a number for them. However, as we drive around our town we notice three or four other people all trying to sell eggs from their small farms. Maybe we
should all pool our surplus eggs and sell them as a group to the small stores?
So....here is the questions
1. Should I approach the store first and see if they are interested?
2. Should I approach the other farms and see if they would be interested in pooling eggs?
Its the old 'what comes first...chicken or egg' problem?