Just so you know, my level of knowledge is based on growing up in a farming community and working in a farm store while I went to college. I'm by far not a good source of info.
Hopefully I'm about to say something dumb that will trigger a response from a wise person (Walter? Where are you?).
Two things I understand about problems with pig gastro-intestinal problems. It's either bacterial or physical.
If your pig was any younger, I'd consider edema. This can happen to recently weaned if I remember correctly. I think up to two weeks after? (Help, smart people)
There's also bloat, but I kind of doubt it since you say defecation is fine.
Sometimes intestines get twisted. This may be to bloat or something else. This is also doubtful since your pig is defecating.
I'm not one to take an animal to the vet, so my action would be to put her on a high fiber diet and nothing else. The pellets shouldn't be a problem, neither
should the comfrey, tomatoes and pumpkins.
I also wonder about parasites. You can get a kit to check for worms at a lot of farm stores or the vet.
Again, it would be great if someone more experienced lent their opinion.