I'm not experienced with the American rights of way issues, but I'd consider looking at herbaceous perennials, rather than woody ones.
Comfrey, globe artichokes, rhubarb, raspberrys and other canes, horse radish, Jerusalem artichokes, crosnes (Chinese artichokes - grow as a spreading vine, edible tubers), various herbs, Egyptian onions, bunching onions.
Basically you want nice hardy things that, as and when they need to drive vehicles through, you won't have lost too much. All of the above would bounce back if their top growth was damaged. You could also consider using it simply as a mulch source for the rest of your
land. Alfalfa once established can be cut multiple times a year, will outcompete a lot of other species and is nitrogen fixing. A 200ft strip could make either excellent animal fodder or a huge amount of mulch. If you were mowing regularly they wouldn't need to spray.
Alternatively, can you graze livestock on it? Perhaps with the aid of a temporary electric