The list that is somewhere in thesse forums given by someone else has forage plants that seem to be ones that grow on dry soils and even salty soils in the east of America.
As they are dry soil plants they might help you Melanie rios. also it seems it is often the case that land with low rain fall has high salinity as there is not much water to wash salt through th esoil to rivers.
I have put in a bit of information on them i think it makes them more interesting but i suggest you look them up yourselves. I don't like writting things i have just started reading up about i feel insecure about it.
the curley leaved mountain mahogony . cercocarpus ledifolius also cercocarpus montana and intricatus. Liked by
cattle and sheep, belongs to the east of USA, its leaves are full of proteins, giving the live stock all the protien it needs in winter when there arent to many protiens in grass and it stays green in winter.
It has medium tolerance to hedging which would keep its leaves at the level of live stock.
wood is very good fire wood and great barbacue wood or charcoal.
does fix nitrogen in soil.
As far as i can make out, though it adapts to different soils it likes lose ones and it does not much like clay soils.
the next two plants are from the goosefoot family, chenopodiaceae.
forage kochia. It is not the same as anual kochia that is invasive, and is not liked by animals. Forage kochia on the other hand makes good forage, competes with cheat grass but is not invasive. Cheat grass so called because it gives forage for such a short time a year.
If you plant forage kochia the old chaparral bushes start to reappear in the cheat grasssuch as wyoming big sage and thick spike wheat grass when the forage kochia has established.
It comes from range lands in central eurasia.
four winged salt bush atriplex chenopodiaceae native [] plant of the east of USA.
It can live in salt soil and has a salty taste .
Both its seeds and leaves eaten by native americaans and the seeds used for a drink called pinole.
ash was used by native americans as leavening in bread.
It has bladders cotaining salt on the leaves that explode covering the leaf with salt.
Good forage with high protein levels all year round also a dry place forage eaten by all live stock, horses in winter.
There were other plants on the list but i have lost the list . agri rose macaskie.