I hate using our rainwater to flush the toilet and I hate flushing fertilizer down the drain. However I do not looking forward to handle buckets full of poo or cleaning stinky
compost chambers.
Which composting toilet system can you recommend? There are continuous systems and batch systems and I lean towards the batch system, because if you empty the chamber you will always have uncomposted poo mixed in. On the other hand there are some complicated looking batch systems and I only imagine if that fails you have to clean the whole thing out, certainly not a work anyone would put its hand up.
We would build a toilet/laundry connected to the house and it would have approx. 70 cm of clearing or a bit more if we build a step up.
What are your experiences?
BTW how do I clean a composting toilet? I usually use bicarb vinegar and some drops of eucalyptus oil. This would not be good as eucalypt does kill bugs. What do you think of sun-mar?