Black locust, once mature are large trees, which would overwhelm that size area.
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up about the black locust, probably not the best idea afterall. I'm getting really excited about this.

I hadn't thought about my Christmas tree being leafless (duh!) but it's fine, the tree I ended up getting is beautiful.
I went down to the local nursery today and bought a cherry tree (Montmorency Semi-dwarf Sour Cherry) Got it for $15 cause it's the off season and it has a wound. It was actually cheaper than the dead Christmas trees they were selling. They had only one peach tree and it was just too tall to fit in the car and for the apartment. I'm going to check out the ground where I want to plant it and see if I can get a shovel in now and I might just get the peach tree too... It looked really good and I can probably get it for $20. The guy there warned me not to keep them inside until spring as the tree would come out of it's dormancy and go into shock when I try to move it outside.
you are going to need at least a 24ft circle to hold all those plants.
If I prune the trees to keep them shorter do you still think I'm going to need a 24ft circle. Can I work this into more of a rectangular shape? I'll take some measurements today and try to draw something up to get a better look at the space I have. Maybe a 24ft circle will be fine.
Thanks for all the recommendations!