Don't need to mix it with anything. Store it in sealed recycled plastic containers if not using it straight away. How you get it into the containers is your business.
When you do use it, dilute it 1:10 or even weaker, depending on how dehydrated you are, and how dry the soil is. Pour on the soil around plants and watch the miraculous response! Even on my hungry nasty soil. Sickly pale green purchased seedlings bounce away in green glory after a couple of days. A lilac tree that had sulked for 15 years, never getting more than a foot high, has become a gorgeous tall dark green bush covered in flowers in 3 years after a few doses per year. Fruit trees that never fruited, are loaded with pears for the first time in 18 years after being treated generously last year. I call it The Wonder of Gazunder Juice (as in the receptacle that Gazunder the bed.)
In summer, stale urine in plastic
milk bottles with 3/8" holes drilled in the sides above the level, suspended in the sun & breeze away from people traffic, is an effective fly trap. Add a little meat scraps for extra appeal, and a bit of
soap added seems to increase the volatility of the aromas wafting through the vents, and decreases surface tension so they drown faster. Once they
land on the golden surface, they're going nowhere. What a valuable natural resource that is being wasted by billions!