Hi Everyone! I'm pretty sure this is my first posting to the forums. I've been reading various threads for the past couple of days and am thrilled with the quality of the posts and the community.
Florida permies in particular, I wanted to let you know about an
online hub for Florida
permaculture resources. It's called Florida
Permaculture Networker and you can find it at
I started it in March 2013 after observing the "landscape" of my newly adopted state for a while (I lived in Austin TX for 17 years before moving to Daytona Beach in 2010). My observations
led me to believe that folks would find it useful to have a statewide info hub for announcements, Meetup groups, guilds,
PDC and other permaculture-relevant course listings, permaculture-spirited businesses, and more.
If you want to find a consultant, a
local businesses, Meetups, and so on, there are listings on the website. And you can get yourself a free listing on the site by contacting me, the admin, via the website. I've also set up a
Facebook page by the same name; please visit and Like and feel free to post your announcements of all kinds (permie-relevant) there. Commercial postings are not only allowed but are encouraged! as long as they are concerned with
permaculture topics.
The site doesn't generate any regular income but meets its basic expenses (webhosting etc.) via donations. It's possible that I will one day consider accepting permie-relevant advertising as a way to pay the bills, so you're welcome to drop me a line if you have any interest in advertising on the site.
cheers, and Permaculture Phorever!
Jenny Nazak
founder & admin, Florida Permaculture Networker www.floridapermaculture.net