New here. I recently bought an off-grid house, and I'm trying to figure out what to do by way of plumbing. The previous owner had a 300 gal skid tank in the attic, filled with a generator-powered well pump, and gravity
feed to the bathroom. The tank has a minimum of 6' of head to the sink, tub, and toilet and 2' to the
This much will stay the same, at least for now, but I will be redoing the interior piping and fixtures. (They froze and split as we were going through closing.) Coupla questions:
--Are there any rules of thumb for pipe sizing in gravity-fed systems, as there are in pressurized ones? Working through the pipe-sizing tables in the 1940 BMS 66 "Plumbing Manual," I came up with 1-1/2" from the tank to the first tee and 3/4" for the branches. Anyone else have
experience with a similar system?
--Seems to be relatively easy to find 3/4" full-port ball valves for in-line use. Does anyone know of a source of *faucets* with 3/4" connectors and full-port ball valves, rather than the standard 1/2" globe valves, which are pressure hogs?
--Last, I am looking for a nonelectric
hot water heater that will function at very low pressure, if such a thing exists. Would settle for propane, but the Bosch 330 unit seems to require at least 15 psi; freeze-proof
solar would be better.