Hi Drew,
Well first it looks like some really nice red pine of some variety. So lets start a list of possibles...
1. These are nice bolts that would make great lumber of all sorts from timber framing down to board stock.
2. I am not sure where you get the idea from that you can not burn this. It wont make long fires, but will make very hot ones. The hottest and best burning
wood for fast fire type heat is Pinyon Pine and conifers area common burning species over hard woods in many cultures, as they have been for millenia. You may have to clean more than once a year, and don't let the fire go with this species, as like Pinyon, it can burn supper hot. So, yes you do have some really nice fire wood actually.
3. Hugelculture material for sure.
Water troughs for live stock if you adze them out.
5. Bowls and other wood items.
6. Split for benches.
7. Rustic furniture...a lot of rustic furniture...
8. Let rot for mulch...the least desirable with these fine bolts.