Hi there,
I just got zesty today an combined 2-1 gypsum to organic remineralization fert with gobs of seeds from mainly alfalfa and buckwheat to other living mulch seed packets with all the older than 2012 seeds that I had left from my
gardening efforts. I mixed it all together and used my hand crank spreader I over seeded my pasture turning food forest by degree.
My thought is that the gypsum will help the clay, the re mineral fert blend will help out everybody, and the seeds need to get out there in grand numbers if any will have a chance.
But here's my question... How to make sure that any thing will take? It's hard clay soil pasture....
Do I now run around spreading nice potting soil all over to make sure someone (seeds) has a chance? Birds and drying out are my first thoughts of what could be preventing them from turning into proper plants...
I have tried broadcasting over this same pasture a couple times in the previous years with little noticeable effect. This is even after a pigs had been through. I added the other goodies hoping it will help and hoping if the birds think I just threw a lovely feast for them they'll get turned off by the other non seed additions...
Should I go around and mow down the pasture a bit to help cover some seed?
I really am not a fan of having to use these other measures but I haven't had success yet and am looking for any success.