It's confirmed! Sjang Van Dal of the Netherlands is coming to the Sandpoint, ID area to give a workshop on how to build a Rocket Mass Stove and heated tub. Aug. 1 - 3, 2014.
Sjang has been teaching folks around the world how to heat their homes and use that same
energy for cooking, bathing and heating
water. He has
led workshops in India, United Kingdom, Norway and his home country of the Netherlands. His stoves are as beautiful as they are well engineered and functional. This flyer describes the workshop and contains pricing and contact information. The workshop is for anyone who heats with
wood, loves the comfort and beauty of a wood fire and wants to work 1/2 as hard to put up a winter's worth of wood. These stoves reportedly use only 1/2 of the wood that a conventional
wood stove uses. This workshop is also for those who wish to learn about heating with wood in an efficient and earth-friendly way. Camping is available at the site were the stove will be built.
Feel free to contact Thea or Caroline Van Daal with questions. You will find Thea's contact email on the poster (link below). Caroline's email is