I have been researching keeping
honey bees for a few months now and I recently purchased two packages and gave them homes in Kenyan style ton bar hives. I did my first inspection today, 5 days after installing them, and I am hoping for some feedback.
bees are building straight comb (I made triangular comb guides) and they are active. But, the combs weren't started at the entrance to the hive, but rather mid way through the hive.
Should I move them? I have read conflicting information regarding this.
I fed them sugar to help them get established, but neither colony has consumed much of the sugar. Should I somehow remove it from the hive? I used dry sugar sprayed with
water just poured in the bottom of the hive.
My biggest concern is that the comb is lighter in color, close to yellow. and appears to be honey comb, versus brood comb. A few spots on each comb had an amber colored substance in it, looked like honey. In some of the individual combs there were some solid particles, but I couldn't determine what they were. None of the combs were sealed. I couldn't locate the queen, I am new at this. Could the appearance of the comb indicate that the colonies are queen less? I know its unlikely that both are queen less and they both look very similar. Perhaps the queens were killed?
Thanks for any input.