Kathleen Payne : Best Guess it will work fine, Diatoms from which we get Diatomaceous Earth, were ancient Algae that continuously grew a Glasslike shell around
themselves, kinda Barrel shaped but if you looked at a single "Corn chex'' ''wheat chex'' ''Rice chex'' you would have a near look-alike, as these continued to grow
their shells during their entire life, the 'shells' come in different sizes !
There are grades of D.E. that are very carefully Filtered so that when stacked in a layer they will themselves be super accurate Filters, this is for Scientific and
manufacturing work. A Specific grade works very well in filtering Swimming Pool
Water !
I suspect that the normal D.E. sold for killing bugs has a certain size range that the D.E. Processor has had tested with good reviews of his product ! Different Co.s
will have different standards, I expect that D.E. with mostly Large ( on a microscopic scale ) Diatoms with a few broken corners would have the best Results as it is
the Diatoms Scraping off the bugs protective wax coating, and puncturing the shells that dehydrates and kills the bugs !
There are still other grades that end up in food and in paints, And in a case ofGood boy gone bad
we are seeing D.E. being used a Fracking Propants, as you
did not specify what grade of D.E. you have I can not give you an
answer but I am sure others will be able to help you identify what you actually have and the best
uses for it ! I will continue to follow this post, together we all can learn a lot ! big AL