I'm not sure where is the best place to ask this question, but after not seeing anything in the Communities forum, this made the most sense.
Are there folks here who are Master Gardeners AND Permaculturists and if so, how do you square the two commitments?
I've gotten upset a few times during my MG training when we spent time on chemical solutions and the supposed dearth of “non-scientifically-validated alternatives.” There's very little discussion that are other ways to maybe do this better.
I read that Paul Wheaton is a MG, and one of my own mentors locally is an MG. I was really excited to begin the training and to graduate 4 months later, but here I am as I type this, literally, in a
Land Care Steward training
course for Advanced MGs and our instructor has just talked about treating bamboo in the spring and late summer with “as much RoundUp as the instructions will allow for, probably, 5 to 10 years.”
This does not sound like stewardship to me. I joined the MGs to become a true gardener, a cultivator of the land and resources. I read and feel (yes, I FEEL it, unscientific as that is) that
permaculture is right. It is wise. It is good and I get upset when industrial chemical solutions are so widely embraced, especially by
volunteer gardeners who want to do good work in their communities.
Occasionally, I feel like the MGs are errand boys for big ag and big chemical. Is this a regional inflection? Is it my own misperception? What do I not understand about glyphosate, science (I'm admittedly not a strong science person), agriculture, ecology, and/or the scientific method? I'm willing to be wrong, but I don't have the hard science memorized so I often feel like I'm ill-prepared to challenge these chemical notions when they're put forward.