In a month, it will be time for me to start my Fall Garden. (Zone 8aish) Here is what I'm thinking of planting:
1. squash
2. beets
3. broccoli
4. Brussels sprouts
5. Cabbage
6. Cauliflower
7. Carrots
8. Collards
9. Cucumbers--pickling
10. Kale – lots and lots of kale
11. Kohlrabi
12. leaf lettuce
13. mustard – lots and lots of mustard
14. radishes
15. spinach
16. southern peas
and "deer plot" seed as the accompanying nitrogen fixing plants.
I'm thinking of trying seedballs (with a bed or two planted with kale and mustard sans seedballs as a security backup since I've not tried seedballs before) and was wondering which seeds I
should combine together in the balls?
I was also thinking of trying to seed my
lawn AND the area where I will be putting out the seedballs in with a cover crop of either buckwheat or vetch but I'm not sure the buckwheat will have time to mature... is there something I could at least cover crop my lawn area with that won't need a bushhog to cut?
Edited to add: And, questions about the seedballs:
what kind of clay should I use?
permie video I watched said to include compost...can I also include rock dust and dried molasses or just stick with the basics?