I grow yacon for both human and livestock food. We like to eat it raw, grated or cubed in fruit salads, cole slaw, and potato salad. I'll also slice it thin and dip it in yogurt as an evening snack. I no longer eat potato chips, so this becomes one of my nibble foods. I also drop chunks into the blender when i make smoothies. I don't peel it if it is freshly harvested. I just use a brush and scrub it well. But older tubers I peel because the skin develops a taste we don't like. I'm told you can use the leaves for tea, but I haven't tried that.
The livestock eat the leaves, flowers and tender stems. When I pull up the plants, they will also eat the excess "starts" at the base if I chop them up.
I've had no pest problems to date other than
mice occasionally. It grows great in my garden soil and seems to benefit from a side dressing of composted manure when it gets about four foot high (before flowering time).