I have about 5000 sq ft of backyard on the CT shoreline (zone 6) used by 2 small dogs for potty and play. The house was built c. 1840. The back of my yard slopes down to a small Inland Wetlands area (not my property but still my responsibility) and was filled many years ago with rough fill i. e. rock and poor soil.
I haven't used any chemicals on the yard for the 12 years I've been here and the lawn keeps looking worse and worse. The grass is sparse in spots, there are lots of
dandelions and an infestation of their cousin the catsear. I tried covering the latter to kill them and later learned that they like the dark and that they spread by rhizomes. I pulled them by hand the past 2 years and reseeded those areas but the grubs are working against that. In the past I've tried beneficial nematodes and also Milky Spore but the grubs are still there. The good news is there are lots of earthworms there, too.
I don't mind some dandelions in the lawn but want a thicker, healthier turf. I don't leave the clippings when I mow because I think I'm sowing more weed seeds. I don't
water the lawn but rely on what Mother Nature provides.
Here's what I'm currently planning to try this spring:
Iron-X (from Gardens Alive) to spot kill as many of the existing dandelions and catsears as I can.
Lime to adjust pH to a non-friendly to dandelions level
Bioinsecticide (from Gardens Alive) to attack the grubs.
Two more things I've been considering are:
1. the Organica All Natural
Lawn Care Program or
2. applying Corn Gluten now (either WOW Supreme from Gardens Alive or Luscious Lawns from Bradfield Organics) to fertilize and hopefully suppress new dandelion/catsear seedlings from germinating.
Any advice about which is the better way to go?
Should I do corn gluten this year and then try the Organica 4 step program next year?
Thanks in advance for reading all this and for your help.