My township has some unused
land that I think would be great for a public food forest/orchard. Several acres of nothing but grass with a bike trail running through part of it...........I envision a place where the general public can come and pick free fruit/nuts. I know that if I present a plan to the township they are going to want something with zero to low maintenance so I was thinking of incorporating mostly
native wild fruits/nuts. Below is a list of possible plants I think might make the cut....
-American Persimmon
-American Plum
-American Elderberry
-Illinois Everbearing Mulberry
-Chinese Chestnut
-American Hazelnut
-Highbush cranberry
-Blackberries, currants, and gooseberries
* I would love to add apples, pears, peaches, and cherries to the list but I don't know of any good disease resistant varieties.
The site gets full sun and has very deep neutral pH soils. This is in zone 6 Pennsylvania.