posted 14 years ago
Thanks Dianne! I was just back in Missoula (my hometown) for the weekend, and sat down with the folks who run MUD these days. I spent years volunteering with them in the past. They do great work! And you're right that they're not really in the position to demonstrate what I'm talking about, but would like to perhaps move in that direction.
I've been looking, and so far come up with nothing. So I'm starting one! I'm turning our little urban village here in SE Portland into an official demonstration site, and starting a working group to help other people develop their own LUV's. It's so simple, in a way, but there are many steps involved. One of the biggest barriers to overcome is people's fear of losing their personal space. You also have to overcome the idea that people have to move out to the country and find (or build) an ecovillage in order to live more sustainably.
So far, the interest has been tremendous! Stay tuned...