Having built one raised hugelbed with 2x4 lumber, I've been considering switching to plywood as I expand to include more beds. The construction
should be much quicker and far cheaper than the 2x4 method was. I've made peace with the idea that I'll have to replace the borders every few years; my main concern is that the glues in plywood, which are formaldehyde-based, could release toxins into the soil. The research I've seen so far indicates that formaldehyde is a toxin and carcinogen when off-gassing into areas without ventilation, so is a respiratory concern that doens't really apply here. Of
course, most articles are concerned with human risk, not the risk to the innocent tomatoes I will be putting in harm's way. SO...it doesn't seem that I have to worry about it as a soil contaminant, but I'm interested to see what people think on the matter, especially anyone with
experience doing something similar or extertise in toxic substances.
Many thanks!