If I do this, nothing is interrupted by the switch, it doesn't make any difference whether the circuit is connected or not. They seem to be connected within the alternator.
I wanted to break the circuit, becasue I get a reading when everything is stationary, from the battery, so I'll never know if I'm producing electricity or not.
I've sadly just realised I think an alternator was always the wrong thing for me anyway, I want to actually produce electricity from wave power, which will be very irregular. I wanted to base it on a bike generator because there seem to be lots of them, and:
- the bike provides a nice, portable stand and mount for the various parts
- it has good gears/cogs
-the cogs are ratcheteed, so can only move one way, which i need because the waves moves back and forth.
But the alternator seems to be comploicated with the exciting.
It would be easiest for me to either get a motor
online, or a car part (seeing as I already have the belt for it now!).
Are there any motors in a car set up that would work... atbest the work with a low rpm??
It doesn't matter if it requires a lot of power to turn, there will be plenty of power to turn the wheel. I'll have the opposite problem, too low rpm.
Any advice would be great!