Tyler Ludens wrote:Thanks for the interest in this project! Lemon tree is doing fine so far - tiny lemon is hanging on, getting a little bigger all the time. I plan to keep this tree quite small, around four feet tall or so. I had a small lemon tree in California that bore several lemons at a time on a little three foot tree in a pot, so size is not that important for a decent supply of lemons.
I'm planning another subtropical plant scheme near another rain tank in another part of the yard. Can't decide if I will go with a Satsuma or try for the impossible dream - a Banana!* I recently purchased David the Good's book Push the Zone and it's got me all excited about trying subtropical and maybe even tropical plants. I'm currently keep two kinds of Taro alive in pots, and trying to start warm climate Yams also.
*I tried planting Bananas several years ago but had no clue what I was doing so they all died. I'm an expert at killing all sorts of plants.....
I highly recommend Owari Satsuma. Mine are doing great. The only "banana" I can get to grow reliably in the ground here is Musa Basjioo, look great, but fruit not edible.
I just bought an Ice Cream banana that I will be growing in a big pot till it pups so I can have a few to experiment with.