why are you depressed. with dead fish in your fish
pond. Water is sybolic of the emotions isn't it? Swimming of plunging in to the emotional whirl that brushing shouldiers with others the pleasures and failures of social contact bring.
Fear is a good antidote to depression. Being afraid that others keeps you on edge or being afraid that material things will go hoplessly wrong, it keeps you worried instead of depressed.
Get yourself some really bitchy undermining friends and your depression will be replaced by fear an easier emotion to manage. The sort of people who want to make you be real about yourself but who you end up thinking just want to keep you in a lower state than the one they acheive. Maybe it is like other medicines a bit helps a lot kills you or it is alright if there is somone there to tell you to fight but will little by little that is the deadly bit do for you if you are not standing up to the detractors.
In literature the example is the second or first mate on the boat Tintin found captain Haddock in when he first met Captain Haddock, whose first mate is reducing him to a psychic nothing, only don't let things go that far. Another example is dame Edna Everages freind, is she called marge? who has also been completely reduced. As has her husband apparently. Buy yourself some sharks.
Also remember real sorrow instead of the numbing depression. Sorrow at losing a friend or losing them in the moment when the relation was important to you and memorising tha sorrow turns your feelings into real sorrow, not the numbness with the world that is charicterised by depression and accepting realities. Dont accept the lousey quality of friendship that usually presents itself deicidng that is all you can expect to do so causes depression go on fighting for better human relaionships talk about the ones that are valid and that does not mean being nice to tyrants and what real freindship concstists of and shuch teach for better relations even if you can't acheive them . Feel the treason as the real sorrow it is instead of accepting it as the harsh realitiy and as such something you can't do anything about.
The religiouse don't like this sort of talk they like to say that depresion comes from a distance from God . Their insistance on the importance of god allows them to ignore lots of things that are cruel in real life, such as most infamously shutting up women, their torture of infidels in order to make sure no idea that might create a loss of souls got propagated,the Spanish inquisition and they go on with the same mentally now . they are totalitarian fothough they pretend to like ecumenism. Their fear of eternal damnation makes them cruel to all who dont follow their ideology. , They depend on the word, the word of christ supposedley, his words give a lot of room for differing veiwpoints on what is kind or not. As god if he exists organised the conditions of our life here and included all forms of suffering on to the earth to confuse us not just the ones the religiouse give importance to, they make a nosense of gods work with their rules that bow to the importance of reducing some forms of suffering and allow even forment others.deciding which forms fof cruelty are acceptable and which not .. Bare it and you will go to heaven they say, what they really do is support tyrants not god . the examples i know of are catholic franco pinochet the generals in argentian mussoline etc. If there is a god than he made a world in which people suffer if you do certain things and so you have to make decisions often an action will hurt one or some people and benefit others so it is not easy and it is complex and they reduce the complexities to the ones htat they support so locking up women is alright the
class system is alright it make lots of spiritually beautiful poor people and they simply ignnor the signs that poverty makes spiritual beauty even harder to attain . they ahave some crazy arguements and will not even consider the down side of their positions as it is a question of faith.
books on bullying and mobbing they talk of aspects of social life that are a little recognised part of life and they are asspects that have a destructive effect in the lives onf many people . THe fashion is to say, trust people instead of carefull they can be dangerouse. dickens writes of tryannies ioin normal social life so does Henry James, and the films of Ingmar bergman . Whatch kill bill two. beatrice is verbally abused without knowing how to reply in everyscene the film gives a lot of examples of verbal bullyijng.
into real sorrow instead of depression. Don't accept that the world is one with no real friendships one with endles and brutal treasons if you accept the realities of human relations it is depressing go on fighting for good relations though it seems unrealistic.
Buy books on bullying and mobbing
Buy more fish it is never easy to get good at things at first i know tha tif i go on i end up learnign how to do things that at first i did really badly now i go on instead of being put off when things turn out badly at first, instead of thinking it would be better for me not to risk two more fishes lives.