Rich Pasto : I guess about the 1st thing before the weather gets worse, climb up on the roof with a very powerful flashlight a few tools and a measuring
tape, and get a few cell phone pictures if nothing else. We want to count the number of flues and estimate their condition, you may have to remove a
storm hood ! You may be able to find a surviving resident from when your house was built, or go to your
local planning board who will probably have a
plot map supped by the Lead contractor, get the contractors name, then you can pin down adage of the build and what kind of 'insert' they were installing
then !
The next step would be a trip
online, you probably will get the Specs and minimum clearances, possibly the installation guide supplied with the unit.
Please be aware there is a lot of stinking Crap posted on U-Tube, use a high degree of skepticism regarding the fitness of anything you see on U-Tube !
Good contractors often paced the utility room on the backside of the fireplace, often there were inspection access openings left for the final inspection by
the local code guy !This inspection points are probably long covered with sheet rock,plaster skim coats and paint, but their regular outline, and the fact
that that outline shows a break in what
should be Full sheets of drywall will help you find them again !
You really do need to get in there and determine what is in there, if we could successfully Retro-fit an
RMH into this area we will greatly increase the safety
factor, due to massive heat storage at lower temps, this area has already experienced temperatures near the boiling point of
water. or even higher
depending on the
experience and skills of the installation crew.
Time to use your Permies search engine, when you go to the Search page from the Permies Toolbox, your search engine pre-selects a search in the forum
you just left Rocket stoves>rocket stoves /// Ponds > Ponds! Enter
RMHs built in Fireplaces in the search field, and select a google search within
Permies you will have lots of 'hits' Good luck and good hunting ! For the good of the craft ! Big AL