posted 10 years ago
a week ago i put my 6 hens in a pen with a rooster, and now have collected 13 eggs. i borrowed an incubator but in 18 hours i still haven't got the incubator to a steady 99-100 degrees; it's ranging from 104 to 108. i'm almost tired of fighting the incubator (i haven't put the eggs in it yet) and also have recently read that hen-reared chicks out-perform artificially incubated eggs. the temps here (il) are anywhere from 20 F to 40 F this time of year, although it can get much colder some nights, and even some days. is there a certain number of eggs i could place in the hens' nesting box to trigger one to go broody? in fair weather i would just experiment, but i don't want to run the risk of the eggs freezing if no hens took to the nest. ideas, suggestions? my hens are barred rocks, black australorps, and silver laced wyandottes.