Hello there, I'm starting a small scale tree nursery this spring, I've been collecting and purchasing a lot of seed for
My focus will be primarily
nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs, and also fruit trees. I'm in zone 7 in Oklahoma.
I'm beginning to prepare the soil beds for the trees and I'm stratifying the seed now.
My list of fruit trees:
Sweet Cherry
Pear and
Apple(haven't decided what variety I will graft on to this stock)
American Red Plum
Nemagaurd Peach
Paw Paw
I'm also starting a thousand osage orange trees from seed, I recently purchased 12 acres and will be using these to create a living
fence around the borders but will be open to selling them.
List of nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs:
Little leaf -- Caragana microphylla -- small shrub--Zone 2-7
Golden Chain Tree--Laburnum anagyroides – small tree -- Zone 5-7
Amur Maacki--Maackia amurensis -- small Tree--Zone 4-7
Arnots Bristly Locust--Robinia fertilis -- small shrub--Zone 5-?
Black Locust--Robinia pseudo acacia -- large tree--Zone 4-8
Any advice on how to market these trees? Anyone grown these from seed before and tips on going about this?
I appreciate it!
If it works out I'll definitely post a link on how to purchase these trees if anyone else has had trouble finding a good supply of nitrogen fixing trees when starting a forest garden.