Hi all; As anybody with a working
rmh knows, once your mass has been heated up, there is a strong draft at the
feed tube. Originally I would put in paper , pile
kindling on top and lite ... just like any
wood stove. Well with a warm stove, most of the time I would watch my burning paper float down the burn tunnel! Might lite the kindling might not. Then I would try kindling first with paper on top... This works sort of ok most of the time, but not always. Now I believe I've got the perfect method. Two full size pieces of
wood (nice if its pitch wood) blocking +90% of the burn tunnel, then two pieces of paper with kindling on top,
Lights every time ! No paper up the burn tunnel , nice pile of burning kindling and if you used it the pitch wood will be roaring. Add the rest of your wood and enjoy the heat!