For me there is a tradeoff... If I poke seeds into the ground exactly where I want them, then they are easier to weed later on. Weeding is much harder for me than planting, so I really like it later in the season if I have taken the time to plant at the right spacing for my weeding tools. Sometimes I get lazy about planting and just broadcast seed and cover it with dirt, but I usually cuss myself later. Broadcasting and then covering with about 2" of weed-seed-free compost would be a great method for planting peas if I could afford the compost. It takes about that depth to sufficiently suppress annual weed seeds. The
perennial rhizomes will sprout through it.
Here's a
video of the seeder that I use so that I don't have to bend over to plant. This design works great as a no-till seeder/planter, but I typically make the planter out of galvanized steel for use in no-till situations.
I use the seeder to plant just wider than the width of my favorite weeding hoe.