I'm fascinated with Fukuoka's Natural Way of Farming. His book mentions a 1700 acre farm in California that is converting over to Natural Farming but provides no name (at least not yet vis-a-vis where I am in the book).
Does anybody know if anybody in the US is using his techniques on a medium to large scale?
Interesting question...especially since the book was written 40 years ago so we can find out if the conversion was a sucess or failure. Just to doing a keyword search, I'm not finding where he refers to a 1,700 acre farm in California. About what page is the reference made?
Nadine McKenzie
Posts: 13
Location: Old Fort, North Carolina, USA. Sandy Loam.
My guess is that would be the (now) 14,000 acre Lundberg Family Farms of Richvale, California. They are an organic grower of rice and Wikipedia says Fukuoka visited them on this first trip to the United States. It does not appear that they currently follow his "do-nothing" philosophy.
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