Rick Austin wrote:
I like evaporative cooling systems but they won't work in my environment because the outside humidity is too high in the summer...If you are in a more arid region it might work for you. The only problem is what creates the mist? If you need to provide power somehow, it may not be sustainable.
Rick Austin wrote:
I like evaporative cooling systems but they won't work in my environment because the outside humidity is too high in the summer...If you are in a more arid region it might work for you. The only problem is what creates the mist? If you need to provide power somehow, it may not be sustainable.
awesome,the general idea is sound for an evaporative process - we are now in "Fall" heading into winter here, so I have about 7 months to figure out the misting system.
the roof of the
greenhouse slants toward the street (angle 6 degrees)
the greenhouse is sited where the heaviest rains come down from
thinking roof run off to water tank at front west corner at base height of 2meters... looking for water pressure required for misting system now...
found: "It would be difficult to run a
lawn sprinkler with anything less than about 20 psi of pressure" www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org/5_pressurization.htm and am now wondering about tank size....