I am very passionate about seed collecting, and the profundity of (in my opinion) the most valuable/powerful asset you can invest in (GENETICS). Please everyone adding, list general zones for your list and brief desc. So without further babbling crap here is a list of SOME of the plants with full spectrum uses:
NOTE: this is far from complete, i dont have all the heat/ cold hardiness and such info, and all plants can be in multiple categories, i simply tried to put them in the most prominent aspect they provide in a timely manner. Allow this to be inspiration for your own research and collection of these powerful tools!
- Nitrogen fixers (aka N Accumulators):
Sea buckthorn, natural fence, edible/medicinal berry, thorny/natural fence, very cold/heat tolerant
Pea shrub, edible
Pigeon pea, edible
Vetch, vining
Clover's(P Accum.)(red,white,crimson,sweet,arrow leaf...)
Buckwheat, edible
Gingko biloba, ancient/legendary plant
Silk tree (mimosa)
Carob/at. Johns bread, edible, drought tolerant, frost prone
Lupine(P Accumulator), often over winters, drought tolerant
black locust(K, Ca Accum.), versatile utilitarian wood, rot resistant
Chinese/American wisteria, very hardy, can grow to 60 feet(vining)
Autumn Olive, edible
Cow pea, edible
Alfalfa(Fe Accum.)
Bayberry, hardy, poor soils
Common gorse, fast growth, fertilizer
- Awesome perennial edibles:
Tree collards, year round greens
Sunchokes(Jerusalem artichokes), great storing, quick growth, raw edibility
Chinese wild yam, above AND below ground delicious tubers, cold hardy.
Rose hips, natural Fence(thorns), huge nutri., drought tolerant
Elderberries, hardy
Good king Henry, hardy healthy greens
Sea kale, very cold hardy
- Dynamic Accumulators:
True comfrey, fertilizer, great medicinal, calcium miner, quick growth
Miners lettuce, meaty green(like spinach)
Dandelion, blood cleanser, bitter green
nettle, great protein, medicinal, great fibers
Mullein, poor soil, drought tolerant
Lambs quarters
Flowering dogwood (K, P, Ca)
Apples (K)
Peppermint (K, Mg)
German chamomile (K, P, Ca)
Burdock, huge taproot
- Pioneer Plants(grows quick/biomass, and/or in poor soils, and/or with little - no care/drought/pruning tolerant... Etc.
Moringa, huge nutrition, fast growth, frost prone, drought/poor soil tolerant
Neem, great pest repellant, fast growth, frost prone, drought/poor soil tolerant
Raspberry, cold, and drought tolerant, blood cleanser(tea)
Blackberry, drought/poor soil tolerant
Plantain, medicinal
Mullein, medicinal
Hops, very hardy, to 30ft in a season
- Utility Plants:
Indian hemp, great fibers
Horsetail, stops mildew and blight
Bamboo, water piping, vents, building, edible young shoots...
Cattail, (Walmart of plant kingd.) edible shoots, medicinal, can make flour from seed heads...
Crafting gourds, birdhouses, bowls, dippers
Cannabis, great fiber, filters radiation, nutr. Seeds, medicinal
Cottonwood, containers natural rooting hormone, great for hugel
- Medicinal:
Ashitaba, nutritious herbaceous edible
Tulsi basil, powerful adaptogen,
greenhouse perennial/annual
Valerian(root), vining, sedative (source of some commercial tranquilizers)
Black cohosh/snakeroot, snake antidote, great medicinal
Aloe Vera, skin irritations, filters water, and your body if take internally, drought/heat tolerant, frost prone
American wild yam, hardy
Lemon grass, culinary, annual/greenhouse perrenial
Arhat fruit
- Miscellaneous:
Citradora Eucalyptus(great pest repellant)
Society garlic, medicinal, gopher resistant, culinary
Tobacco, pests
Aronia berry
- Quality Fruiting crops:
Chickasaw plum
Mulberry, cold hardy
Pawpaw(not papaya) cold/shade tolerant [US largest "east coast native" largest fruit
Goji berries, cold hardy