Wyatt Barnes wrote:Zenais, I am surprised your design has to be shoveled twice. Most two chamber systems simply move the seat location from one chamber to the next to change from active to inactive. You still have to shovel out but only after the chamber has been inactive for a year which should be much more palatable. Any chance you have been working on a mistaken assumption for 17 yrs?
Ah, I wish the builder would have been that thoughtful! Although I have to admit, he built it in the early 70s (was a Berkeley dropout back-to-the-land guy) and the thing is still working, so that is impressive. A redesign would probably not be that hard, but the task is only high on the priority list a few days before the annual shoveling! The day after the shovel, it mysteriously falls to the bottom of a very long list
We used buckets for about 6 years while I was continuously pregnant or nursing. To be honest, the work load of that one day shoveling is probably way less than the bucket system in total, but the buckets were easier on my body for a while.
I imagine that as I age, the redesign will again rise to the top of the list. I love our outhouse, though, and have a really hard time going to the bathroom in an enclosed room inside a house, into
water! Blech! I am totally spoiled.