I've been reading a lot of stories and news articles on how people are being forcefully kicked off their
land and/or even given ridiculously large fines for simply living free and off-the-grid. I'm still in my 20's and I want to some day live in my own off-grid home somewhere close to my family. But the problem that I could possibly face like many others I have been reading about is possibly being kicked off of land I have worked hard to pay for and my dreams of living off-the-grid and free is going to die. America was built on the foundation of liberty and
freedom. But the United States Government, States, and County zoning enforcement are strong-arming it's citizens by force them to connect to
local utility companies that are lining their pockets to help keep them in business.
Tired of it and wanting a future where I can truly be free I started a group on
Facebook called "Liberty for off-grid living". a group where like minded individuals could come together and voice their love and opinions for off-grid living and spread the word that off-grid is the future. Life shouldn't be lived toiling all of it away working a back breaking job just to pay bills and die hating life, it
should be living to enjoy life.