Joshua Rapp Learn as stated by Xavier Terradas, Archaeologist, Spanish National Research Council wrote:...Hunting was an element of social cohesion...The bows recovered in La Draga, besides being unique material documentation of early Neolithic archery and hunting technology, become part of the earliest archaeological evidence available on the social role of hunting in the first farming societies, especially in order to evaluate structural aspects such as economic specialization, division of labor and the nature of resource access,”...Based on the bones, we can tell whether the animals are domestic or hunted...Hunting is not related to subsistence but other elements...
Joshua Rapp Learn wrote:Researchers also discovered bones of hunted prey like deer, wild goats and other animals, but they estimated that only about 3 percent of the diet of the Neolithic people in this area actually came from hunted animals.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Mike Rossi wrote:I think climate and location needs to be considered with these sort of historical - anthropological speculations.
Mike Rossi wrote:That misunderstanding leads to erroneous conclusions about eating meat and facilitates the entry of ideologies that are not really concerned with ecology and food safety, ie, animal rights / anti hunting.
John Weiland wrote:If one uses the (albeit biased) notion that what remains of hunting & gathering cultures provides some indication of the past, wouldn't both hunting and gathering share equal weight possibly here in terms of social cohesion?
John Weiland wrote:And I'm intrigued by the late Paul Shepard's argument that hunting and gathering, as directly compared to agriculture, formed a better backdrop in which to envision and develop a cosmology from which to draw healthy paradigms for communal living...Once domestication took hold....of animals and plants...a new cosmology emerged to accommodate and justify this development.
John Weiland wrote:Even with the extreme swings in climate, cropping and the preservation of that harvest among the more sedentary Mandan was pretty instrumental and likely was influential in social cohesion... Irrespective of the method employed, all three (agriculture, hunting, gathering) became integrated with social and spiritual considerations that sought to guarantee success in subsequent generations...
John Weiland wrote: In other words, if hunting and gathering have inherent "slippery slopes", then agriculture is pre-wetted mudslide....
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
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