I have a huge dying
ash tree covering a large percentage of my back
yard, and shading even more of it. I am planning to remove it in a few years, once it is all the way dead. (Even if whatever is bothering it now does not do it in, Emerald Ash borers are only 25 miles away. )
However, the question is:
should I establish new
trees and shrubs now, or wait till it goes? If I put them in now, they will have quite a bit of shade and
root competition now, and when the tree is removed, there may be more danger of mechanical injury and a sudden shock of full sun. However, planting them now would allow them to start establishing root systems, keep unwanted competition down (because there are less resources for everyone), and poise my desired plants to capitalize on the sudden flush of
water, nutrients, and sunshine made available by the eventual death and removal of the tree. Also, in this climate some shade at first might be desirable.
The plants I want to establish are hazelnuts, raspberries, and semi-dwarf fruit trees; all sun lovers. But I assume that they would grow in shade, just not produce till the tree was down.
Also, the Sun in Denver is INTENSE, which makes a big difference.
So, what would you all do?