Actually kempy it is probably smart you did not try them before making a proper ID. There are some tasty looking berries out there that a few could mean hours of sickness and pain, possible death. If you notice any feature of the plant does not seem quite right stop and re evaluate everything and get a positive ID, doing this could save your life some day. I have caught myself before making incorrect IDs because i was too focused on features in common rather than glaring inconsistancies.
For instance blue berries do not usually grow on as quick of a timeline as wonderberry, so that could be a tip for ID.
When you find a berry ask yourself if it is the right time of the season for the berry you think it might be? If not then its a tip.
Is it in its normal habitat? You wont find
water lovers in dry conditions for the most part. Blueberries prefer moisture.
Etc. up through comparing leaves and stems.
these are just questions i ask myself constantly when identifying plants. Then off for hours of research. Then come back for a tate.