posted 9 years ago
how damiana leaves work as aphrodisiac:
Centuries ago, the Mayans used the leaves of damiana as an aphrodisiac, the same effect, both men and women. This herb not only improves libido, but also enhances the pleasure of intimacy. These properties have been confirmed by scientists from the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry in 2009. The therapeutic effect of damiana leaves is due to the action of flavonoids and points to the possibility of using this product in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Funds based damainy (eg "Damian Forte) is credited with men from impotence. Herbal Extract helps to relieve the symptoms associated erectile dysfunction, increases blood flow to the genitals and helps erection. Damiana leaves treat frigidity in young women and women on the threshold of menopause. Acceptance of this herb promotes the production of testosterone, amplifies the attraction to the opposite sex, the desire to return.
Source Full Article : medicinal herbs