I have access to incredible raw
dairy products so taking advantage as best I can, trying to do as much home dairy as I can but had hit a wall with sour cream. if I let it sit it gets sour (not good sour, like sour sour), other methods call for elaborate pasteurization procedures and then culturing. I think it was an article from Wardee Harmon's website that suggested just using finished milk kefir to culture cream and viola. I tried it and it is amazing delicious. Not sour like kefir but cultured and thick and rich. Took one qt of
raw milk cream, stirred in 4 tbsp. of finished milk kefir and let sit a day. it firmed up and soured with no separation and no hassle whatsoever.
Should be a perfect base for dressings, dips, or on fruit like yoghurt or any recipe that calls for crème fraiche or sour cream.