South Alberta male, mid 50s.
I’ve always been a do it yourself-er. Building my own garage, home repairs and renovations and backwoods camping since birth. Used to love my job but the bureaucracy has made it a soul sucking drain so besides $ it provides little benefit. Been interested and investigating low impact living for years but not able to take the plunge due to family resistance and obligations. Find myself in the situation where those will almost disappear over the next 2 to 5 years, so I will be able to do as I deem appropriate.
So what I’m looking to do is to gain practical
experience with many aspects of living simply and close to the
land. Participate in seminars, work bee’s and other aspects of a low key lifestyle. Eventually to wind up living a permies lifestyle in a supportive community. The current front runners are interior BC, Northern Alberta (where I will be able to maintain the $ from my portable job) or Central America (not having to worry about freezing in the winter is a big attraction). There is a
local sustainable living organization here, but its besieged by personality problems and grand ideas with little follow thru. I have problems seeing how one can live locally sustainable without petro based heating on the bald ass prairie.
So in short, I’ll be lurking extensively to learn, seeking practical experience and hopefully find a community that I can prosper in.