OK I got it now, the pics don't appear in the preview.
The idea for the foundation is that Id make a hole about a meter and a half deep by a meter wide. Put brick soling in the bottom, then make a tiered foundation that ends up with a ten inch
concrete column that sticks out of the ground about a foot. Embedded in that would be a galvanised half inch steel plate. The plate measures 2 feet by six inches. One foot will be integrated with the rebar within the ten inch column, the part that protrudes will be used as a pivot. I'd drag the bent over to the row of protruding steel plates, and push a 3/4 inch bolt through the timber and through the plate which acts as a hinge. Then I raise the bent up on these steel plates, when its vertical, temporarily brace it while attaching the floor beams and angle braces, then lean the next bent up in the same way to attach it. We get really strong storms in February, like mini hurricanes that last for up to an hour, but are very destructive, so this foundation is more for anchoring purposes. Finally four bolts would be inserted to secure the stilt to the bracket.
I'm attaching some pics of the main frame and the finished house.