Good question Jamie. I wanted to cut down on what he called thirty years of pneumonia .. phlegm. So I gave him Mullein. He said he was told he was going to die of stroke or heart attack in the short time we had to talk. I gave him Capsicum. Garlic, Echinacea and Yarrow would also "be on the drawing board." We each react different so I don't know how his body handles things and would try all.
It is hard for me to describe how I am in "awe" of just capsicum. Capsicum cured heart attacks including V Tach .. 90% fatal in E.R. and I did it at home with my wife on the floor for seven hours.
It also took her through occlusion of the right and left lungs .. "you
should be dead" .. with blood oxygen staying between 92 and 97 .. E.R. where she worked for 24 years was at a total loss, her sleep apnea stopped, her tiny veins before taking Capsicum .. got bigger to where anyone could draw blood. I'm wondering what else it can do.
My son keeps telling me what the big "C" No No has done in Alaska with no doctors around .. they are blowing smoke up dogs noses to stop convulsions .. and then try it on their children. Works. Canadian man has twenty documented cures of cancer up there with the tar.
We live in a somewhat strange world. Every ten years you can take most of what you know .. and throw it out the window.