We have 3 dozen
chickens (11 months old), Barred Rock, Americanus, Austrolaups, Rhode Island Reds and Comets. Everything had been going well until today.
One of the Americanus was lethargic and just sitting there in the coop this afternoon. We hadn't noticed her like this y-day!
When I picked her up she was nothing but bones!? Her eyelids were closed and she didn't move.
She passed this evening and I'm concerned about what caused this!?
The weather has turned cold (single digits at night). I have a heat lamp under the
water bowl to keep their inside water from freezing.
They have access to plenty of food and water (changed daily) ... I give them plenty of cracked corn each morning.
We have 3 hanging feeders that have a mix of laying mash, cracked corn and laying crumbles. These get filled daily.
Egg production is good (26-32 eggs/day) and I haven't noticed any other
chickens with any symptoms....yet!!
Thanks... Thomas Clodfelter